@neingeist @johl Gerade "Trump" wäre doch ein Beispiel für "Wortfilter könnte das trivial wegschlagen"?
Mein Hauptproblem mit CW-Kram eigentlich dass das für mich hier alles Microblogging ist und damit die Nachrichten an sich schon so kurz sein sollten dass es absurd ist sie kurzzusammenzufassen, insbesondre wenn eh schon Hashtags drin.
@KatyElphinstone I went to a Waldorfschool in Germany around 2nd and 3rd grade, early/mid-1990s. Quite hippie, a bit on the cultish side. Parents were told to keep their children away from modern media, and children were prohibited from putting stuff like spaceships into their drawings. Interesting measures to enforce discipline, such as forcing kids to stand on their chairs for the remaining lesson if caught talking during class, and I remember one kid being locked by a teacher into a closet until end of class. Stuff like that made my parents reconsider and they put me back into the public school system. From parents who stayed we later heard that the school principal also might have been a bit into embezzling school funds.
In general Waldorf schools in Germany have a bit of a reputation to entertain problematic contacts with anti-vaxxers and the local equivalents of QAnon New Agers, teaching theosophy-influenced race theories, etc. If you know German or wanna Google-translate, Oliver Rautenberg has done a lot of research into that.
In general Waldorf schools in Germany have a bit of a reputation to entertain problematic contacts with anti-vaxxers and the local equivalents of QAnon New Agers, teaching theosophy-influenced race theories, etc. If you know German or wanna Google-translate, Oliver Rautenberg has done a lot of research into that.
mental health (positive), SSRI
I'm on an SSRI now since a few months, Paroxetine 20mg/day, and boy does it make a difference – not just in terms of depression, which I'd gauge as secondary, but to the degree it reduces my anxiety and ruminations.
Honestly I can't remember when ever I felt so emotionally stable, and so little incapacitated by constant worry (except on party drugs for only a few hours each). I'm far from anxiety-free, but I can actually pick up the telephone to make appointments with doctors, I feel less need to over-prepare everything, and I've even managed once or twice to ask people if they'd like to cuddle. These are huge experiences for me.
I've been on and off talk and group therapies in the past half decade, but never in the slightest experienced such palpable positive results. I'm now evaluating whether and how to give therapy another go – now that I actually feel capable again to contact therapists, this time maybe even by telephone. I'm so blown away though by the effects of the SSRI that I'm not even sure anymore what to seek therapy about, if it works so well. But who knows how long that will last (and also I'd like to one day get off the SSRI again, for reasons such as some … interesting … side effects). I wonder how therapists might deal with "my meds suppress these issues, but I'd like to tackle them anyway".
Honestly I can't remember when ever I felt so emotionally stable, and so little incapacitated by constant worry (except on party drugs for only a few hours each). I'm far from anxiety-free, but I can actually pick up the telephone to make appointments with doctors, I feel less need to over-prepare everything, and I've even managed once or twice to ask people if they'd like to cuddle. These are huge experiences for me.
I've been on and off talk and group therapies in the past half decade, but never in the slightest experienced such palpable positive results. I'm now evaluating whether and how to give therapy another go – now that I actually feel capable again to contact therapists, this time maybe even by telephone. I'm so blown away though by the effects of the SSRI that I'm not even sure anymore what to seek therapy about, if it works so well. But who knows how long that will last (and also I'd like to one day get off the SSRI again, for reasons such as some … interesting … side effects). I wonder how therapists might deal with "my meds suppress these issues, but I'd like to tackle them anyway".
Finally compiled all my readings – Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Perseus chapters (Classical pronunciation) #ritchiesfabulaefaciles #fabulaefaciles #lingualatina #latin #reading #pronunciation #mythology #perseus https://youtu.be/OOPbkZ242Us
Wenn man mir im Krankenhaus in Sachsen-Anhalt gesagt hat, ich soll mit dem Gips Ende der Woche zu einem "ambulanten Chirurgen" gehen, damit der wieder abgenommen und Arm/Gelenk/Hand neu begutachtet werden, wie gehe ich das am Besten an? In irgendeine Praxis mit "Chirurgie" auf dem Schild draußen unangekündigt in die Sprechstunde setzen einfach, irwas über doctolib buchen (aber unter welchen Stichworten genau?), oder doch lieber so ein Ritual mit Kinderknochen und Froschblut?
@aufsmaulsuppe Das ist weil die Posts endlos lang werden dürfen!
@acetylcholin Gleichfalls! Ich hoffe, du findest noch dein Spotlight ;)
@andrej @benni @danielaKay thx kann schlecht tippen also copypaste vom IRC:
16:54 <plomlompom> ok bin heim
16:55 <plomlompom> Bin nach Finale des LARPs doof ausgerutscht draußen auf Eis und
16:55 <plomlompom> unguenstig auf meine Hand und Arm gefallen
16:56 <plomlompom> Kann nun erstmal nur noch die linke vewrenden
16:56 <plomlompom> Anfangs ging es noch aber dann Schmerzen immer schlimmer
16:57 <plomlompom> Dann Notarzt gerufen im Krankwnhaus geroentgt und bekam Gips Schiene oder sowas
16:58 <plomlompom> Und Empfehlung zu fleissig Ibu
16:59 <plomlompom> Ende der Woche soll ich einen ambilanten chirurgen aufsuchen um ÁrmHand freizulegen und erneut zu begutachten
16:59 <plomlompom> Tippe lahm im 2fingersystem :-D
Immerhin kein Bruch!
16:54 <plomlompom> ok bin heim
16:55 <plomlompom> Bin nach Finale des LARPs doof ausgerutscht draußen auf Eis und
16:55 <plomlompom> unguenstig auf meine Hand und Arm gefallen
16:56 <plomlompom> Kann nun erstmal nur noch die linke vewrenden
16:56 <plomlompom> Anfangs ging es noch aber dann Schmerzen immer schlimmer
16:57 <plomlompom> Dann Notarzt gerufen im Krankwnhaus geroentgt und bekam Gips Schiene oder sowas
16:58 <plomlompom> Und Empfehlung zu fleissig Ibu
16:59 <plomlompom> Ende der Woche soll ich einen ambilanten chirurgen aufsuchen um ÁrmHand freizulegen und erneut zu begutachten
16:59 <plomlompom> Tippe lahm im 2fingersystem :-D
Immerhin kein Bruch!
Erstmal alles linkshändig machwn lernen #zuvielgeLARPt