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plomroma (archived): This site is a static archive of a Pleroma instance formerly hosted by me, to preserve my own messages from that time. Foreign content has been removed, but may still be available via links.


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@KatyElphinstone I went to a Waldorfschool in Germany around 2nd and 3rd grade, early/mid-1990s. Quite hippie, a bit on the cultish side. Parents were told to keep their children away from modern media, and children were prohibited from putting stuff like spaceships into their drawings. Interesting measures to enforce discipline, such as forcing kids to stand on their chairs for the remaining lesson if caught talking during class, and I remember one kid being locked by a teacher into a closet until end of class. Stuff like that made my parents reconsider and they put me back into the public school system. From parents who stayed we later heard that the school principal also might have been a bit into embezzling school funds.

In general Waldorf schools in Germany have a bit of a reputation to entertain problematic contacts with anti-vaxxers and the local equivalents of QAnon New Agers, teaching theosophy-influenced race theories, etc. If you know German or wanna Google-translate, Oliver Rautenberg has done a lot of research into that.

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