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plomroma (archived): This site is a static archive of a Pleroma instance formerly hosted by me, to preserve my own messages from that time. Foreign content has been removed, but may still be available via links.


They/them or plom/plom. Older stuff found at (over there not updated anymore).

Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Perseus Chapter 11: The Oracle Fulfilled

@miriamino It feels like a constant brutal attack onto me of water which is always either too cold or too hot, I have to do all this cleaning work moving in a very narrow space where too much movements makes my body hit stuff on the wall or the temperature regulators to catastrophic consequence, and I have to be fast with all of this so I don't waste too much water/heating … And at the end I have the choice to either shiver after leaving a warm shower, or do a quick cold shower end which makes me feel warmer after leaving, but feels itself like an assault on my nervous system. I just hate all this sensory stuff and all the effort and concentration necessary to get through it.

@kmetz Hmm was soll das bringen? (ehrliche Frage)

Anyone else hate showering, and how do you make it more bearable? (Bathing would be fine, but no bathtub available unfortunately.)

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Also zu große Instanzen soll man nicht joinen weil nichts soll unblockbar werden aber zu kleine Instanzen auch nicht weil Single-User-Pleromas ja quasi unmoderiert also per default geblockt ja was denn nun

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@hermann4000 Ja aber ich muss das ja dann auch noch essen.

@clipperchip Na das is doch Deutschland.

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Ich hungere weil ich mich nicht entscheiden kann ob heute Tag für Döner oder Tag für VietBox ist.

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