Moved my account to here:
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Heracles Chapter 6: The Defeat of the Minyae #fabulaefaciles #ritchiesfabulaefaciles #latin #lingualatina #heracles #hercules #thebae #creon #minyae #erginus #pronunciation #reading #antiquity #mythology
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Heracles Chapter 5: A Cruel Deed #fabulaefaciles #ritchiesfabulaefaciles #latin #lingualatina #heracles #hercules #thebae #creon #minyae #pronunciation #reading #antiquity #mythology
One of my favorite content creators suddenly appeared on the Fediverse, and I hope she finds a good environment here: @roseiquartz Rosei does spicy cosplay stuff and adult content, activism in the fields of mental health, sex work and exvangelicalism, wholesome gaming streams, garegiver domme performances, and and and … (More from her here: ) Some of her content helped me emotionally quite a lot this year, it's full of beauty, positive affirmation, and psychological skill.
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Heracles Chapter 4: Hercules escapes sacrifice #fabulaefaciles #ritchiesfabulaefaciles #latin #lingualatina #heracles #hercules #aegyptus #busiris #pronunciation #reading #antiquity #mythology
Guess we have to keep trying in deconstructing gender binarity. #HIP22

I'll meet you all at #HIP22 today I hope! I'll probably be gravitating around the MNT assembly often.
Was sind eure Fediverse-Archivierungs-Strategien? Also wenn ich z.B. mein Pleroma einmotten will, um auf ein umzuziehen, aber meine alten Posts unter den alten URLs online lassen will … Gibt's für sowas best practices?
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Heracles Chapter 3: The Music-Lesson #fabulaefaciles #ritchiesfabulaefaciles #latin #lingualatina #heracles #hercules #linus #cithara #pronunciation #reading #antiquity #mythology
@plom yup!
Ritchie's Fabulae Faciles: Heracles Chapter 2: Hercules and the Serpents #fabulaefaciles #ritchiesfabulaefaciles #latin #lingualatina #heracles #hercules #iphicles #alcmena #pronunciation #reading #antiquity #mythology
@zichy Will check it out!
Wondering if there's something easier to administrate than Pleroma to replace it with, as I find it unnecessarily complex for my single-user purposes. Anyone here has opinions on honk or gotosocial?